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Alternate job titles: Manager of Development, Non-Profit Organization | Manager of Fundraising and Capital Campaigns

Manages an organization's fundraising strategies, campaigns, capital development initiatives, and operations to support the overall organizational development and revenue objectives. Implements donor stewardship programs to identify, develop, retain, and nurture a portfolio of individual and institutional donors. Works to develop potential corporate or governmental partnerships and grant funding opportunities. Creates collaborative coordination between staff and internal stakeholders to plan events and communications to increase donor engagement. Uses technology to manage and monitor donor inf more...

Alternate job titles: Development and Fundraising Manager | Manager of Development, Non-Profit Organization

The Manager of Fundraising and Capital Campaigns creates fundraising goals and solicits funds to meet these goals. Develops and implements fundraising strategies and oversees fundraising programs. Being a Manager of Fundraising and Capital Campaigns may be responsible for developing major gift opportunities and writing grant proposals. Identifies new donors and organizes initiatives to solicit funding. In addition, Manager of Fundraising and Capital Campaigns requires a bachelor's degree. Typically reports to a director. The Manager of Fundraising and Capital Campaigns manages subordinate staf more...

Alternate job titles: Development Coordinator, Non-Profit Organization | Fundraising and Capital Campaigns Coordinator | Grants and Proposals Specialist

Coordinates operations to execute an organization's fundraising strategies, campaigns, and capital development initiatives supporting short- and long-term organizational revenue objectives. Supports donor stewardship programs to identify, develop, retain, and nurture a portfolio of individual and institutional donors and corporate or governmental partnerships. Plans events and develops communications to increase donor engagement. Uses a donor database and software tools to produce data-driven measurement and reporting of the progress of fundraising goals. May participate in the grant writing a more...

Alternate job titles: Supervisor of Development, Non-Profit Organization | Supervisor of Fundraising and Capital Campaigns | Supervisor of Grants and Proposals

Supervises operations to execute an organization's fundraising strategies, campaigns, and capital development initiatives supporting short- and long-term organizational revenue objectives. Implements and supports donor stewardship programs to identify, develop, retain, and nurture a portfolio of individual and institutional donors. Collaborates with corporate or governmental partnerships. Coordinates staff and stakeholders in event planning and communication to increase donor engagement. Manages a donor database and tools to produce data-driven measurement and reporting of the progress of fund more...

Alternate job titles: Senior Manager of Development (Non-Profit) | Senior Manager of Fundraising and Capital Campaigns | Senior Manager of Grants and Proposals

Manages an organization's fundraising strategies, campaigns, capital development initiatives, and operations to support the overall organizational development and revenue objectives. Implements donor stewardship programs to identify, develop, retain, and nurture a portfolio of individual and institutional donors. Works to develop potential corporate or governmental partnerships and grant funding opportunities. Creates collaborative coordination between staff and internal stakeholders to plan events and communications to increase donor engagement. Uses technology to manage and monitor donor inf more...

Alternate job titles: Development and Fundraising Coordinator | Development Coordinator, Non-Profit Organization | Grants and Proposals Specialist

The Fundraising and Capital Campaigns Coordinator supports donor stewardship programs to identify, develop, retain, and nurture a portfolio of individual and institutional donors and corporate or governmental partnerships. Coordinates operations to execute an organization's fundraising strategies, campaigns, and capital development initiatives supporting short- and long-term organizational revenue objectives. Being a Fundraising and Capital Campaigns Coordinator uses a donor database and software tools to produce data-driven measurement and reporting of the progress of fundraising goals. Plans more...

Alternate job titles: Development and Fundraising Supervisor | Supervisor of Development, Non-Profit Organization | Supervisor of Grants and Proposals

The Supervisor of Fundraising and Capital Campaigns implements and supports donor stewardship programs to identify, develop, retain, and nurture a portfolio of individual and institutional donors. Supervises operations to execute an organization's fundraising strategies, campaigns, and capital development initiatives supporting short- and long-term organizational revenue objectives. Being a Supervisor of Fundraising and Capital Campaigns coordinates staff and stakeholders in event planning and communication to increase donor engagement. Collaborates with corporate or governmental partnerships. more...

Alternate job titles: Development and Fundraising Sr. Manager | Senior Manager of Development (Non-Profit) | Senior Manager of Grants and Proposals

The Senior Manager of Fundraising and Capital Campaigns implements donor stewardship programs to identify, develop, retain, and nurture a portfolio of individual and institutional donors. Manages an organization's fundraising strategies, campaigns, capital development initiatives, and operations to support the overall organizational development and revenue objectives. Being a Senior Manager of Fundraising and Capital Campaigns creates collaborative coordination between staff and internal stakeholders to plan events and communications to increase donor engagement. Works to develop potential cor more...

Alternate job titles: Development and Donor Coordinator I | Donor Relations Coordinator I | Foundation Development Specialist I

The Fundraising and Membership Development Coordinator I conducts research and prospecting to locate individuals aligning with the organization's values and mission. Identifies potential donors and evaluates their interests and capacity to give to the organization. Being a Fundraising and Membership Development Coordinator I uses a database or Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system to maintain research data and donor records, execute mailing or e-mail campaigns, and create reports. Analyzes data for trends and creates donor profiles to assist with donor development, stewardship, and dir more...

Alternate job titles: Development and Donor Coordinator III | Donor Relations Coordinator III | Foundation Development Specialist III

The Fundraising and Membership Development Coordinator III conducts research and prospecting to locate individuals aligning with the organization's values and mission. Identifies potential donors and evaluates their interests and capacity to give to the organization. Being a Fundraising and Membership Development Coordinator III uses a database or Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system to maintain research data and donor records, execute mailing or e-mail campaigns, and create reports. Analyzes data for trends and creates donor profiles to assist with donor development, stewardship, and more...

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